A Blog About My Journey Riding and Training Sora, My Soulmate

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Ride Today #7

Today started out well. I cross tied Sora in the barn with my sister's gelding and got her groomed and tacked up. They both got treats for standing nice and being calm and then he got tied while I rode Sora in the "arena". I've been doing it this way so that she has a buddy and so she is thinking about riding and not about how she can't see the horses. Soon, once I've got her whoa down a little more, I'll start taking her out without a buddy.

Once we got out in the "arena" I lounged her like I always do but this time she was unhappy. I don't really know why. It's been windy and cooler here than normal so it could have been that but I kind of think it was because I was trying a different saddle on her. The all purpose I've been riding in is a little wide for her (it doesn't rest on her withers or anything but it's a little on the wide side) so I thought I would try my Dressage saddle on her this time. It was actually a little narrow but nothing too worrying so I thought I would try it. She had a hump in her back and I drove her through it a little but when it didn't go away and she looked unhappy I decided to listen to her. I switched her saddle and lounged her again. She was still a little speedy but the hump was out of her back so I ended the lounging with that and tried to decide whether to ride today. I decided to take the chance and I'm really glad I did.

She was really good again :~) She was a little speedyer than normal and I did a one rein stop once when it felt like things could get out of control but after that she was perfect. We even trotted a few steps for the first time!

The funny thing was that I had decided my main project for today was going to be getting her to move off my leg softer. I had figured out exactly how I was going to address the problem and was so excited to try it. I waited until she was stuck and with great excitement put my plan into action. I started by very lightly squeezing with both legs and guess what...... she walked off calmly.


What about my perfect plan lol?

Oh well, I was sure I would be able to next time. so I waited until she got stuck again and went through the same motion. Again she walked off perfectly. Oh well. Not to say I wasn't ecstatic!! I was just quite attached to my plan lol!

The rest of the ride went just as well and I can't wait until next time. I've been sticking to an every other day ride at this point so her back doesn't get sore (just to be safe) so tomorrow I'll probably work more on picking up and handling her feet.

I hope anyone reading this had a wonderful ride today as well!!! :~)

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